Statistical tools that students can use

All the collected data is of no primary use unless it is arranged, tabulated and analyzed in a proper manner. If the dissertation is not literary based then it will surely contain figures and values, all the values have to be arranged and evaluated statistically to get the results through which conclusions can be made.

There are various software for Statistical analysis:

1. SPSS – It is an easy handled software use for the purpose of statistical analysis, data managementand data documentation. Many features can be accessed through pull down menus or can be programmed with a proprietary GL language and syntax language. It can exchange data from ASCII text files, other statistics packages, spreadsheets and databases and even to externalrelational database tables via ODBC and SQL.

2. SAS – It is developed for advanced analytics, data management and business intelligence. It can perform various operations with different types of data and provides graphical point-and-click user interface suitable for non-technical users. The evaluated data can be published in HTML, PDF and other formats with the help of the Output Delivery System.

3. AMOS – It is an add-on module for SPSS. It is designed mainly for structural equation modeling, covariance structure modeling and path analysis. It may also be used to perform linear regression analysis, ANCOVA and ANOVA.

4. E views – It is used mainly for time oriented econometric analysis. It can be used for cross-section and panel data analysis as well as time series estimation and forecasting. For input and output it supports numerous formats, including databank format, Excel formats, SPSS, DAP/SAS, RATS, and TSP. It can access ODBC databases
The process of calculations for analysis can be made easy by these simple tools.

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